Tips To Help Children Manage Anxiety

Anxiety is when you have a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an event or occasion.

You are not alone. According to the World Health Organisation, an estimated 4% of the global population currently experience an anxiety disorder and reveal that anxiety disorder is the most common mental disorder in the world.

Anxiety in children is normal. Kids tend to worry about the outcome of decisions. The most effective way for parents to help a child with anxiety is recognising and acknowledging the child’s struggle and offering assistance.

These are some signs of anxiety in children:

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Vivid nightmares

  • Fatigue

  • Phobias

  • Separation anxiety

  • Panic attacks

These are some of the ways to support kids with anxiety:

  • Reassurance: Parents need to reassure their kids that worrying is common. They should acknowledge what the child feels, without any negative judgement. Almost everyone has experienced anxiousness due to the ambiguity in life. Parents should try to reassure their children that what they feel is normal and try to help proper solutions to the problem. "You are not your anxiety.” ~Deanne Repich

  • Role Model: Because a child spends a majority of their time with their parents when young, their parents are the first adults to be role models for them. A child observes a parent’s mannerisms, body language, relation with strangers, and problem-solving skills. If a parent's outlook on life is positive, the kid’s outlook on life is also positive.

  • Social skills: Teaching children at a young age; clear ways to communicate, is also a good way to help build confidence in a child. A child should be taught at a young age, the appropriate use of body language, making eye contact, ways of discussing their feelings so as to help facilitate better communication.

  • Friendship: At a young age, children begin trying to make friends. Making friends can be scary, as this may be the first time a child is building a relationship with someone outside of their family. A healthy way is teaching kids ways of initiating conversations, introducing themselves at home.

  • Expression: Parents can help children by teaching them how to stand up for themselves at a young age. Every child should be taught to be confident in themselves and their opinions.

  • Shyness: Labeling a child as shy can be detrimental to their mental health. When a child is labeled as shy, they may feel as though they have to fit that label that they have been given. Instead, encourage kids to go outside their comfort zones and avoid using labels.

  • Social anxiety: Parents can ensure a child that experiencing social anxiety is normal. Most people have felt uncomfortable and awkward at times. Teach them to be brave and confident.

  • Don't push your child too hard to perform: Always remember the fact that children are different from one another. Just because one excels in something doesn't mean another will have the same interest. Pushing too hard can lead to burnout.

  • Close friends: Some parents worry when their child seems to have few friends. Some kids are selective with their friends and want to be surrounded by people they’re comfortable with. It is completely normal to have a small number of friends.

  • Strangers: It is best not to teach children to be afraid of strangers, but rather teach them to be aware of their surroundings and weary of who they interact with. Give your children instructions and advice on how to stay safe. This might include staying near an adult they know or not interacting with random people.