Navigating 13+ Entry to Benenden School
Benenden School is a boarding school for girls established in 1923 and educates 500+ girls ranging from age 11 to 18. In the UK, this is the only full-time girls’ boarding school.
Applying to 13+ Entry
Since there are limited spots in the school, competition is extremely high and it is recommended families register girls a minimum of 4 years in advance.
Parents seeking application to Benenden must complete the registration form and give it to the school with the pupil’s passport and a non-refundable deposit of £200. For further questions, you can contact the school at or visit the school website here.
Please note registration does not guarantee a spot at Benenden.
Families who have been successfully added to the provisional list must notify the school of any changes in any circumstances.
13+ Pretest Assessment
As part of the admissions process to Benenden, girls are invited to attend a Preview Weekend, where they are required to stay overnight at the school. The purpose of this is to determine whether the school is a good match for the student, and the Headmistress to write the parents with feedback on the stay.
Further, the school requires girls to write the ISEB Common Pretest assessment to display their academic potential, much like other independent boarding schools. This test covers English, Maths, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning. Please note the exam is age-standardised to ensure no student has an advantage over others.
Admission Criteria
If pupils successfully meet the required standard after the Preview Weekend and ISEB Common Pretest, a formal offer for an unconditional place is sent to the girls’ current school via mail. After this, families are to complete and return the Acceptance Form and 30% security deposit.
Once the above has been submitted and received, the girls are allocated to houses where they will be part of a group of girls. This group stays together during school activities, events and competitions. The girls are able to nominate first, second and third choices before final housing decisions are made. Before entry, successful applicants are invited to the school in the summer term to meet their Housemistress/Housemaster and other housemates.
Preparing for the Pretest
Benenden employs the ISEB Common Entrance Pretest for 13+ entries. It is recommended that applicants prepare well for this exam to give them the best chances of success.
The practice exams given below are designed to identify your child’s strengths and weaknesses. These are important, so you know what to focus on and what needs to be improved. Further, the exams allow your child to experience a test environment and exam question types and overall boost confidence. The resources are from Pretest Plus and cover maths, English, verbal and non-verbal reasoning.
Practice Tests
Video Courses
Skills Practice