Navigating 11+ Entry to The Harrodian School


Harrodian is one of the younger schools founded in 1993 that educates both boys and girls aged 4-18. In Year 7, there are 30-35 spots available for new pupils to join The Harrodian School.

Registration forms for Year 7 can be found here

Double-check to make sure the registration form you are filling out is the most current version.

For more information on year-specific deadlines, including registration deadlines, reference requests, interviews and offers, the Harrodian website provides an extensive outline. 

To contact the school with questions, you can call the Admissions Office at 020 8762 6321 or email

Changes in Examinations

With the pandemic, Year 7 admission to The Harrodian School has changed. Instead of the written papers, online reasoning tests will be replaced with the ISEB Common Pretest, an examination used widely across many schools.

Applicants are to write this exam at their current school on or before December 7th; however, if unable to take the test at their current school, testing will be done at Harrodian on December 5th. Further, admission is based on references and performance in interviews. 

The ISEB Common Pretest

This examination covers skills in English, Maths, and verbal and non-verbal reasoning. It typically lasts a total of 2.5 hours and distributes across the following subjects.

  • English (25 min): comprehension, sentence completion, spelling and punctuation

  • Maths (50 min): mathematical ability across the curriculum – arithmetic and problem solving

  • Verbal Reasoning (36 min): problem-solving using words

  • Non-Verbal Reasoning (32 min): thinking with shapes, space, diagrams and pictures

For more information on the ISEB, click here.

Preparing for the ISEB Common Pretest

Preparation for an examination can make every difference. This allows students to become familiar with a testing environment and the styles of questions that are likely to show up on the real exam. Further, by completing practice exams, video courses and skills practice below from Pretest Plus, students can identify their strengths and weaknesses. With an automatic marking system and the ability to review questions with detailed explanations of the correct answer, this can set your child apart from the rest and help them obtain the highest score possible.

Practice Tests

Video Courses

Skills Practice