Getting into Dulwich College

Dulwich College is an independent school founded in 1619. It is very academically selective and has educated approximately 1800 boys from age 2-19. Students who attend Dulwich are known to attend some of the most prestigious universities in the UK and around the world.


An introduction to Dulwich College can be found here.

Applying to 13+ Entry

Before applying for a spot, all families are highly encouraged to visit the campus during an Open Afternoon where prospective parents and students learn about everything the College has to offer. These tours include exploring the school grounds and meeting current students and staff members.

Admission to the College is based on academic performance in various exams, interviews and reports from their current school.

Registration for entry in 2022 and deferred entry in 2024 is open on Tuesday, 20 April 2021.

Further information about entry procedures and timelines is available on their website.

13+ Pretest Assessment

Students applying are required to write the ISEB Common Pretest in the Michaelmas term at their schools. The pretest is to provide Dulwich College with an insight into the students’ academic potential. To ensure there is no advantage for certain pupils, the test is age standardised and can only be taken once in a 12-month period. Applicants who are successful in securing an invitation following the pretest are assessed further in subjects including English and Mathematics. Approximately 90 boys are offered an interview.

Preparing for the Dulwich College Pretest

Preparation is key for a student's success on the ISEB Pretest. For some students, this exam is their first time experiencing an exam environment and it can be stressful. Practising is an effective way to improve skills and increase confidence. It is recommended parents create a study timetable that covers verbal and non-verbal reasoning, English and Maths.

Practice tests and courses can help students familiarize themselves with question types, exam environments, and time management, etc.

Dulwich has provided a few practice papers, and mark schemes on their website under “Specimen Papers”:

For further practice, Pretest Plus has given multiple practice tests, video courses and skills practice to help students do their best.

Practice Tests

Video Courses

Skills Practice