Navigating 11+ Entry to Westminster Under School
Westminster School is one of the top leading UK Schools and, therefore, is academically and fiercely competitive.
Key Things to Know: 11+ Entry to Westminster Under School
Parents are advised to submit application forms two years before the proposed date of entry.
Families should endeavour to attend Open Mornings, which take place every year in the month of June or in September.
Prospective students get a feel of the school’s atmosphere and meet with current pupils and staff.
For 11 Plus entry, registered candidates would sit for the ISEB Common Pre-test for one morning or afternoon in November.
The ISEB Pre-test consists of examinations in Mathematics, English, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning.
Applicants who perform well would be invited back to the school in late January to take additional written papers in maths and English.
If offered, an interview will be conducted with a senior member of staff in February.
Admission offers are out in March.