Navigating 13+ Entry to Radley College
Radley College is an independent boy’s boarding school located in Oxfordshire.
Key Things to Know: 13+ Entry to Radley College
The first step is visiting the school.
Parents and applicants are invited to attend a Group Visit Day at the College and learn more about the school.
There are two ways to gain admission into Radley college, which are open entry and registration.
Parents are advised to start the registration three years before entry begins.
Open Entry application forms must be completed and returned to the Admissions Office, alongside a non-refundable fee of £250.
Successful applicants on the Radley list would be asked to come for an interview.
A report would be requested from the Head teacher and must be received by the end of the summer term in Year 5.
All Applicants must sit the ISEB Common Pre-test exam.
The Radley list applicants would sit for the assessment in Year 6 in December, while the open entry applicants must have sat for their assessment at the end of the Lent term.
The pre-test focuses on four important subjects: English, Mathematics, Verbal Reasoning, and Non-Verbal Reasoning.
Applicants on the Radley list must pass the ISEB pre-test with the equivalent of 60% and do well in the interview.
Those who pass both the interview and the ISEB pre-test will be placed on the A-List and given an unconditional offer in March of Year 6.
Applicants on the open entry admission would be shortlisted in the May of Year 6 based on their ISEB pre-test and a school report.
Applicants on the open entry would then be asked to attend an interview and college assessment.
Successful applicants would then be admitted.