4/7+ Formal Assessment: Part 1 Parent 1 Full Name Parent 1 Email Parent 1 Occupation Parent 1 Phone Number inc Country Code Parent 2 Full Name Parent 2 Email Parent 2 Occupation Parent 2 Phone Number inc Country Code Home address (please include any secondary residences where substantial time is spent, or both parent's addresses if residing separately). Child Full Name Child Date of Birth Child Age Child's current school Child's target Schools, in order of preference: and your reasons why you like these schools. If parents have different preferences, please make this clear here. Please provide full details of any Special Educational Needs that your child may have. This includes that which has been diagnosed, and that which has not been diagnosed but is suspected. These span cognitive, emotional and social challenges. Please provide as much detail as possible. If you have reports or documentation that may support this assessment, please email directly to natasha@thevedagroup.com with your "Childs Name" + 4/7+ Assessment in the subject line. Please provide full details of any medical diagnoses or challenges your child is experiencing, alongside any medication that they may take. Please email your child's last 3 years of nursery/school reports to natasha@thevedagroup.com, with "Child's name" 7+ Assessment in the subject line. Type Yes in the box to confirm you have done this. If there are any difficulties providing these, please let us know in the box. What are your child's favourite and least favoured subjects at nursery/school? Please provide full details of any confirmed or suspected mental health challenges your child is facing. If you have any reports from other professionals, please email to natasha@thevedagroup.com with "Child's Name" + 11+ Assessment in the Subject line. Please provide full details of any difficulties within the family unit at the moment that may be affecting your child's wellbeing. Does your child have siblings? Where do they fall in birth order? If your child has sibling like relationships with cousins in an extended family, please include this. Does your child speak other languages? Please give details as to the extent of fluency. Please also give details of languages your child is learning, currently. Please provide a full list of the books your child has read in the past year. In your view, what are your child's strengths and areas for improvement? Please detail out your child's tech use and habits. This should include details of how your child has used technology during any Covid homeschooling periods. What does your child enjoy most (outside of school, though this may be academic)? What are your child's hobbies? How does your child react when things don't go to plan or they believe they have failed or got something wrong? How does your child feel about taking the 7+? For how long have you been preparing for the 7+? What has your preparation involved? Please give full details, including classes taken, books used, scores. If you have an opinion on what is working, and what isn't working and what your child does/doesn't enjoy, please share. What is your current plan for preparing your child for the 7+, moving forward? What elements of this plan are you confident about? What elements are you less sure about? Are both parents agreed on this plan? Do you have any concerns about your current plan? Please share your thoughts/queries/concerns about your child taking the 7+. Please share any other details which you feel are pertinent. No detail is irrelevant: please do share freely. The next stage of the assessment is an interview with the Child's parent and an interview with the Child. Are there any times of day/days in the next 10 days which are impossible for you? We will use this to produce schedule options. This will be followed by mock exam papers, which is then followed by Natasha's delivery of our findings and proposal of the best strategy moving forward, for you and your child. Thank you!